On the 16th of May, the University of Bristol held a half-day meeting devoted to the discussion of the Oligocene epoch (34 to 23 million years ago [Ma]) . The Oligocene is a period of relative climate stability following the establishment of permanent ice sheets on Antarctica (34Ma). By the early Miocene (23Ma), atmospheric CO 2 was low enough to allow the development of northern hemispheric ice sheets 1 . As a result, the Oligocene may have been the only time in the Cenozoic era (65-0Ma) during which a unipolar glaciation could exist. Despite this, the Oligocene has received little attention from the Cenozoic palaeoclimate community. The aim of this event was to promote awareness of the Oligocene and encourage future research within this field. Ellen Thomas , currently in Bristol on sabbatical from Yale, and David Armstrong-McKay , from the National Oceanography Centre (NOC), began the morning session with a series of talks devoted to the late Eocene a...
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