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Cabot office weekly roundup – 29 June 2012

Wow! What weather we have been having!  Incredibly hot, sticky and humid down south in Bristol – I’ve been feeling like I’m in an urban rainforest - and freaky hail, lightning and rainfall up north, causing landslides, flooding and serious damage.  Are these signs of environmental change and is it a warning of risks that will be commonplace in the UK in the future?  A very Cabot-y question!  Check out the news coverage.

This week I have been updating the Cabot website and have uploaded a video from the AXA Research Day and all the presentations from theday.  The content highlights the success of the Cabot Institute in bringing together people who work in different disciplines but cover the same ground, in this case volcanoes.  There is still more video content to come including coverage of the whole days presentations and conversation.

We have been struck by the hideousness of the #sciencegirlthing issue bouncing around Twitter last week.  For those who haven’t seen it, here’s the video which created a huge negative international response from male and female scientists alike.  We are proud to say that our very own climate modeller Tamsin Edwards will be turning into a real model along with Cabot engineer Ellie Cosgrave who are organising a real female scientist calendar in backlash to the video.  Stay tuned to the blog to find out who else is going to be in it...

And finally, Cabot Institute Artist in Residence, Neville Gabie has launched his very own blog to track the items and stories acquired for his new project – Common Room.  Neville is attempting to collect an item from every Cabot community member and display it in a public archive.  Each item will have a story attached to explain how the item is the gravitational centre of why we research what we research here at Cabot.  It’s going to be an absolutely fascinating project and we expect big things from Neville, so keep checking back on his blog and if you want to learn more or have something you want to share, do get in touch with Neville.  Read more here.

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